Special Governmental Interest or SGI’s

Why Would You File:
There are certain emergency events where first responders need to utilize restricted airspace for critical, life-saving UAS operations. By obtaining a SGI waiver from the FAA, a first responder or support professional is granted permission to fly in an emergency situation. Now, in partnership with the FAA, you can request the SGI directly in the UASidekick app and your request is received by the SOSC (FAA System Operations Support Center) immediately.
Who Would File:
This process is available to first responders and pilots who support first responders along with agencies and organizations who respond to emergency situations. You must have a Part 107 license or a COA (Certificate of Authorization) in order to submit an SGI request. Reasons for Filing: Firefighting, Search & Rescue, Law Enforcement, Utility or Other Critical Infrastructure Restoration, Damage Assessment Supporting Disaster Recovery Related Insurance Claims, Media Coverage of Crucial Information To The Public, TFR Flights, DFR In a TFR Flights, Exclusionary Zone Flights, and Others.
How Would You File:
The process is now digital with UASidekick. All you need is to register for an account with UASidekick (No subscription is needed so register with a trial professional account), request for SGI filing access by sending an email to info@uasidekick.com and you’re set to go. The workflow is virtually the same as the other requests available in the app, and once the SGI request is submitted it will immediately be available for the SOSC to review and approve. Once approved, they will email or call the person requesting the SGI waiver.
File Digital SGI’s Starting Today :
There is no longer a need to print a document and obtain an inked signature – we have drastically reduced the time spent during this process, when seconds matter most. This feature is now available to all public safety and emergency support pilots at no additional cost.